CGM - Continuous Glucose Monitoring

A new needle free and non-invasive Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) is launching soon

We are really interested in seeing this development of a needle free and non-invasive Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM).

Nemaura Medical is a medical technology company developing sugarBEAT® which is a non-invasive, affordable and flexible Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)

SugarBEAT® consists of a daily disposable adhesive skin-patch connected to a rechargeable transmitter, with an app displaying glucose readings every five minutes for periods up to 24 hours.

– SugarBEAT® market launch due sometime this year (2018) initially in United Kingdom.

– SugarBEAT® daily price expected to be comparable to cost of using glucose meters and strips.

– SugarBEAT’s® 24 hour patch wear time allows for greater flexibility, with users able to wear on a non-consecutive day basis, unlike other glucose monitors which are designed to be continuously worn for 10-14 days.

– SugarBEAT® expected to be non-invasive, painless and needle-free glucose trending device hence appeal to all persons with diabetes.

– Each patch requires a 30-60 minute warm up, after which glucose readings are taken at five minute intervals for a period up to 24 hours

– SugarBEAT® can additionally be used by insulin using persons with diabetes as an adjunctive glucose monitoring device when calibrated by a finger stick reading.

More information is available at and