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    Theresa May revealed she had Type 1 diabetes while she was home secretary

    Mrs May revealed she had Type 1 diabetes while she was home secretary, and keeping it under control meant injecting herself with insulin up to five times a day. ‘When I was diagnosed with diabetes, the NHS was there for me,’ she said. ‘Skilled and compassionate, helping me every step of the way to manage my condition and live a normal life. ‘I rely on the NHS every day and I am eternally grateful to them.’ Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5513013/Theresa-says-relies-NHS-diabetes.html#ixzz5A2ViByRJ

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  • Famous people

    Disney Channel’s Jennifer Stone Shares Her Diabetes Story

    Jennifer Stone, best known as Harper on the Disney Channel’s Wizards of Waverly Place, was diagnosed with diabetes four years ago. At the time, she was told to give up her dream of acting. Instead, she found a great care team, got educated, and leaned on the support of family and friends. She has two movies coming out in 2018. Jennifer has latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), which is sometimes called type 1.5. Diabetes Connections host Stacey Simms and talks with Jennifer about what that means and why it’s often misdiagnosed. Disney Channel’s Jennifer Stone Shares Her Diabetes Story

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